Do you really need a Digital Resume?

pastingIn this age of digital technology, the term digital resume is frequently heard. But what is a digital resume? And do you really read to create a digital resume? A digital resume is simply a resume that can be accessed online. There is not myth in this. To know how to create your digital resume online, read on with tips:
1. Purchase a profile website

These days it is common to purchase a website and domain. Purchase one on your name. Example: and create a personalized resume highlighting your skills and experience right on your personalized website. Share the link with any potential recruiter and get noticed online.

2. Go LinkedIn

Yes, LinkedIn is the new career portal of the 21st century and you should be on it. Creating a LinkedIn profile is as easy as signing up on Gmail. Simply visit, sign up and update the profile section. Viola, it is available for all recruiters that use LinkedIn for hiring.

If you want help in developing a professional resume or LinkedIn profile, contact on or call us on 0569173311.