
This website may contain links to many other websites that may or may not be affiliated with Resume.ae in any way or form. Unless explicitly specified, these links will not be treated by or endorsements for any form of services or products.
All views, ideas and concepts placed on this website is for informational and educational purposes only; all information and details regarding Resume.ae, and its representatives has been provided for illustrational purposes only. The requirements governing employment seeking is subject to constant and unexpected changes; whileResume.ae has taken every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate at the time of publishing. Resume.ae will not be held responsible or liable for the actions taken by the user or any other person based on the information that has been displayed here.
The usage of this website is deemed as per confirmation to the legal agreement to all legalities as mentioned when opting for the service or usage of this service. The website abides by the legal laws and regulations.


This disclaimer does not seek to actively limit and/or exclude any form of implied warranty. The liability of Resume.ae does not include personal injury or death that may be caused on behalf of negligence by Resume.ae. Nor Resume.ae is liable for any form of fraud or misrepresentation on behalf of Resume.ae or for the fraudulent actions taken by unknown entities.

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The provisions on this website when rendered unenforceable under the respective laws will not affect enforceability of the remaining provisions as stated herein.

Third party liability:

Resume.ae expectsits users to accept that its employees are entities with limited liability and Resume.ae has an interest in protecting and enforcing this limited personal liability. The user is not expected to take any personal claims against the employees or representatives of Resume.ae with regards to any of the losses that may have incurred during your connection to this website or during service provision.