Expert's Tips for Video Interview

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Video interviews are becoming more common in the multinational companies with global exposure. As hiring employees from different part of the world becomes easier, video interviewing is a way to boost the Interview Procedure
HR recruiters and managers conduct Interview Procedure more swiftly, save on transportation & other expenses costs, and get the interview process began much faster using video conferencing than they can arranging direct interviews.
Advance Planning
Make sure that recruiter will receive your resume and other related documents in advance.
If your video interview has been arranged at a company office, reach before time so you have to get situated properly.
Practice in advance on the equipment to be used for video interview to avoid any sort of interruption.
What to Wear
Dress formal. Wear the professional attire you would for a direct interview.
Wear Smile on your face, which will reflect your confidence to the recruiter
During the Video Interview
Table should be neat and clean.
Make sure you will arrange your all papers required for the reference as the microphone picks up all the noise in the room. Don't tap your pen or shuffle papers during the interview.
Maintain eye contact. If you don't, the camera will be focused on the top of your head.
Use the PiP feature so you can see how you look.