Myths busted regarding CV Writing

Drafting a professional CV is the toughest job. In Dubai, UAE or any other country people have limited or no information about the CV writing. Here is a short article regarding the myths that people blindly believe in.

Some Myths:
1. I will get best job with a stunning CV
It is a fact that a better CV will get you enrolled for an interview but that will be the first stage. Once you are in the interview, you have to sell yourself better that you CV to stand out from the other employers.

2. Hard copy is sufficient
Since ages people think that carrying a hard copy of CV for an interview is enough but the time has changed. Recruiters and employers prefer hiring employee for their company through social media platform. One of the famous and trendy social media platform is LinkedIn through which job seekers are getting good placement.

3. Generic Resume
Lot of people assume that they will get job if they have a generic resume. But a generic cv reduces the chances of the cv to be shortlisted for the specific positions. One should update the cv regularly.

4. Resume should cover your complete job history
If a person has more than 20 or 30 years of work experience in different organization so he/she does not require to showcase the entire work history in your CV. Most of the employers are interested in the current profile only so in such cases past experience should not be elaborate in detail.

5. Exaggerate your responsibilities
CV is the representation of what you are and what you are capable of. Employers appreciate and except you to state your experience truthfully. One should be clear on the roles and responsibilities about the current role to avoid embarrassing situations during interviews.

For more information on CV / Resume Writing in Dubai, UAE or GCC please visit our website Or send your enquiry at We will be happy to help you in providing guidance and solve your issues and answer to your questions and queries. Please feel free to contact us at:
Phone: 04-3554850, Mob: 056-9173311